Emotion Code
Offered both online and in person
The Emotion Code is a transformative energy healing modality developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It focuses on identifying and releasing trapped emotional energy from the past that becomes lodged within your body. Here’s how it works:
Trapped Emotions: Our bodies can harbor negative emotions from past experiences. These emotions may get stuck due to overwhelming feelings or disruptions in normal emotional processing. The Emotion Code aims to identify and release these trapped emotions.
Emotion Code Chart: Practitioners use an easy-to-use tool called the Emotion Code Chart. This chart lists commonly found emotions in columns and rows. Each emotion represents residual vibrating energy that could distort your energy field. These emotions are generated by organs and glands in response to stress, negative thoughts, or imbalances.
Identifying Trapped Emotions: By muscle testing practitioners communicate with the subconscious mind to determine if an emotion is trapped and which one it is. The chart helps pinpoint specific emotions. Each stuck energy must be identified individually.
Releasing Emotions: The process involves asking questions related to specific emotions. Once the related questions have been answered and the subconscious confirms release is possible, a sweeping motion of the hand along the governing meridian is done. The subconscious and the body know how many trapped emotions it can release in a session and their order.
Holistic Approach: The Emotion Code recognizes that past emotional energy can affect physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Releasing trapped emotions may free you from patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak.
Remember, this method is not a substitute for professional medical advice, but it can complement overall well-being.
Benefits of Emotion Code
Physical Discomfort
You may get relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes
You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect
Creating More Success
You can experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity
Healing Generations
It’s possible to heal your own energy, as well that of past and future generations
Helping Animals
You may even help pets and other animals feel and function better
Heart Wall
There may have been times in your own life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as "heartache." This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat occurs when the deepest part of us is under assault, typically when someone is hurting us or we're feeling a deep sense of grief, hurt or loss. I believe that the heart is actually the core of our being. And I think that the spirit with in us does not like this feeling, this assault on our core. I believe that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life that your subconscious mind will form an "energy wall" to protect your heart against further heartache and against further assault. I refer to this wall of energy as the "Heart-Wall."
His experience is that approximately 93% of people have a Heart-Wall! Do you?
What happens when you get rid of your Heart-Wall?
• Find Love!
• Feel Better!
• Overcome Depression!
The most effective way we know to clear the Heart-Wall is using The Emotion Code, which is contained within The Body Code™. Often, clearing a Heart-Wall requires three to five sessions to be completely removed. This is because a Heart-Wall is typically made up of layers of emotional energy, or Trapped Emotions in the body. Each layer must be identified, then systematically cleared.
Body Code
The Body Code is a fascinating system designed to address imbalances in the body’s energy systems. Here are some key points about it:
The Body Code is an alternative health approach that aims to identify and correct imbalances affecting physical and emotional well-being.
It’s a non-conventional method and not widely accepted in mainstream medicine.
Practitioners use techniques like muscle testing or a pendulum to access the body’s energy and identify areas of concern.
How It Works:
By asking simple “yes or no” questions, practitioners tap into the subconscious mind to determine imbalances.
Once issues are detected, various holistic techniques such as acupuncture, nutrition, and energy healing are used to restore balance.
The goal is to uncover root causes of discomfort and make corrections right on the spot.
Comprehensive Healing Tool:
The Body Code is considered the most comprehensive natural energy healing tool ever created.
It empowers individuals to address underlying issues and promote overall well-being.
Remember, this system delves into the subtle energies of the body, aiming to harmonize and optimize its functioning.
Achieve energetic balance when you remove Trapped Emotions, internalized trauma, and more.
Achieve energetic balance when you remove Trapped Emotions, internalized trauma, and more.
Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
Pathogen Resolution
Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems & how they connect.
Body System Balance
Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment.
Structural Balance
Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation & other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
Toxin Resolution
Find herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.